SEO Newsletter #85: The Hottest SEO & AI News Recap #SEOSLY 🔥 – SEOSLY

Welcome to episode #85 of the SEO Newsletter by #SEOSLY!

Summer is in full swing, so it’s time for an SEO & AI update. Last week I missed an episode due to the 4th of July longer weekend, but I am back with the recap of SEO news from past two weeks! So let’s dive in.

SEO Newsletter

Google Discover + JetOctopus = Powerful SEO Combo

Yes, JetOctopus is way more than a crawler and log file analyzer. You can also use it to analyze Google Search Console data. In my latest video, I’m showing you how to make way more sense from your Google Discover traffic.

The Single Most Important Rule in SEO.

Here is my recent rant on SEO and its one fundamental rule.

How To Become A Powerful SEO Pro In 31 Simple Steps (& Take The Lead)…

Here is a special video where I share with you my 10+ years of experience being an SEO and show you exactly all the steps you need to take to become a powerful SEO and join the top 1% of the most powerful SEOs in the industry.

Top SEO news

Here is the most important SEO & AI news from last week.

Core Web Vitals, Generative AI, and more! – Google Search News (July ‘23)

This is probably the best news recap you can have by one and only John Mueller.

Google Invites Global Discussion for New AI-driven Web Standards

Google has initiated a public discussion to develop new web standards, considering AI and research use cases, in an effort to provide web publishers with more control over their content.

Twitter SEO Fu*k-up

Some very bad SEO decisions were made by Twitter, which resulted in Twitter losing 50% of its visibility very fast. The situation is reversing now, but the entire story is worth looking at from an SEO perspective.

Google Updates Privacy Policy To Collect Public Data For AI Training

Google’s updated privacy policy allows the company to scrape public data to improve its AI ******.

Google Reduces Search Options (And Organic Results)

Google has also been applying the same principle for several years in its search results – Mobile first. Innovations and optimisations are always displayed in the mobile SERPs before they can be seen on the desktop.

Other AI & SEO news

Here is other SEO news, less breaking but equally important.

Career Essentials in Generative AI by Microsoft and LinkedIn

Generative AI training (with a Professional Certificate) by Microsoft and LinkedIn you probably don’t want to miss.

Google Removes Canada News Links In Response To Online News Act, Bill C-18

Learn about the Online News Act “link tax” that led Google and Meta to remove news from search and social media platforms in Canada.

Recent SEO interviews

Don’t miss those interviews with outstanding SEO experts!

Interview with Ted Kubaitis from SEO Fight Club. Must watch!

Interview with Nikki Halliwell, a technical SEO specialist from Manchester.

My interview with Barry Schwartz to mark the 50th episode of the SEO Podcast by #SEOSLY.

Interview with a rising star – Adrijana Vujadin – on how to become SEO confident.

Top SEO Tips 

And here are the Google SEO tips for you.

#1: Google: It Doesn’t Matter If You Use Blog Folders For URLs & We’re Not Wrong

Google’s John Mueller said it doesn’t matter either way if you put your blog posts on a subfolder of /blog or just on the root directory of the site, without the /blog.
Reported by Barry Schwartz.

#2: Google: No Ranking Factor Compensates For Missing Relevance

Google’s John Mueller has another good one-liner about SEO and Google ranking. He said on Mastodon, “No ranking factor compensates missing relevance, or missing user interest.”
Reported by Barry Schwartz.

#3: Semantic HTML: Not A Ranking Factor But Still Important

Google’s John Mueller advises using semantic HTML. Though not a ranking factor, it helps search engines understand content and boosts accessibility.
Reported by Matt G. Southern.


This week I’m officially launching my new project – #BetterSEOToday – which is about helping you become a better SEO every day.

Picture this: Each day, I’ll be sharing ONE practical & actionable SEO tip to supercharge your SEO game.

Every day of the week will be dedicated to a unique aspect of SEO – from technical insights, SEO myth-busting, industry-specific tips, to the latest news from the SEO world!

Become a better SEO today
  • All you need to do is follow me on Twitter & LinkedIn where I will be sharing those tips.
  • Additionally, every Friday I will be sending my SEO newsletter subscribers the recap of SEO tips from past 7 days.
  • I may also shoot a weekly video summarizing the tips, so make sure you’re subscribed to my SEO YouTube channel.

Videos to watch this week

And here are the videos you don’t want to miss this week.

Very special episode of the SEO Video Show.

An essential weekly recap by Barry Schwartz.

SEOs and developers need to work better together.

New episode of Aleyda’s Crawling Mondays show.

Other articles & resources to read

And you need to allocate some time to read these articles from other SEOs. They are brilliant.

Google’s Helpful Content & Other AI Systems May Be Impacting Your Site’s Visibility

In this article, Marie Haynes delves into how AI has already dramatically changed Google’s ranking system and what you can do to ensure your website doesn’t get left behind.

Structured data implementation across top 100 eCommerce sites

Implementing schema allows search engines to understand the content of your HTML pages, which may improve organic visibility and direct more traffic to the website. It also creates an opportunity for rich snippets, which may boost your CTR.
By Ewelina Westcott.

Python for SEO Made Easy with ChatGPT: A Beginner’s Guide

In this guide, Tomek shows you how to use Python programming even if you have no prior experience! 
By Tomek Rudzki.

Interaction To Next Paint (INP)

Learn what Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is, why it’s important, how to measure it, and how to optimize
By Olga Zarr (SEOSLY).

Best SEO Newsletters (Top 40)

Here is a hand-curated list of the best SEO newsletters as of 2023.
By Olga Zarr (SEOSLY).

Using Chrome DevTools To Diagnose Site Issues In An Audit

Discover how to analyze the accessibility of your website’s content, audit site speed and performance, and more using Chrome DevTools.
By Ruth Everett (SEJ).

Comparing UA vs. GA4 metrics: Key differences you need to know

Learn key measurement differences between Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 and their implications for data analysis and reporting.
By Adam Proehl (SEL).

What Are Breadcrumbs, and Why Are They Important for SEO?

For most people, breadcrumbs are merely the remnants of a quick lunch you ate at your desk that always land in the tiniest crevices of your keyboard. However, if you are looking for ways to take your website’s user experience and organic search performance to the next level, breadcrumbs can be a powerful tool in your tool belt with a wide range of benefits!
By Noah Bramlett (Go Fish).

The Story of Blocking 2 High-Ranking Pages With Robots.txt

I blocked two of our ranking pages using robots.txt. We lost a position here or there and all of the featured snippets for the pages. I expected a lot more impact, but the world didn’t end.
By Patrick Stox.

ChatGPT for business-to-business SEO: A 2-star review

When used for basic business-to-business digital marketing and search engine optimization tasks, like creating content, generating keyword research ideas, defining search intent, and analyzing search engine results pages (SERPs), ChatGPT can be a useful efficiency booster—but it’s far from displacing human marketers and SEOs.
By Adriana Stein.

Dominate Black Friday & Cyber Monday with Strategic SEO Techniques

Be prepared for Black Friday & Cyber Monday by spicing up your SEO strategy with lesser-known markup schemes and get more sales today.
By Emilia Gjorgjevska.

A Closer Look at Threads: Connect with New Audiences on Meta’s Latest App

Threads joins the ecosystem of Twitter, SPILL, Mastadon, BlueSky, and more to gain the loyalty of text-based social media users. This new app from Meta offers companies a unique opportunity to take brand personification to the next level.
By Chalice Jones (Amsive Digital).

How Long Does It Take Google To Index A New Website?

A super quick guide on Google indexing, how long it takes Google to index new websites, and what factors influence the indexing speed.

How To Check If Google Crawled My Site

Discover three easy ways to check if Google crawled your site.

Thank you for reading my newsletter! I hope you found the information useful. If you enjoyed this issue, be sure to check out the next one next week.

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