How entity-based strategies can contribute to PPC success

How entity-based strategies can contribute to PPC success

While the concept of entities for SEO has been around since 2012, it hasn’t been a widely adopted in PPC. Entities are essentially unique people, places, things or concepts that provide context and relationships for keywords.  As AI becomes more prevalent in digital marketing, incorporating an entity-based approach into your PPC campaigns is a way … Read more

Entity-based competitor analysis: An SEO’s guide

Entity-based competitor analysis: An SEO’s guide

Entity competitor analysis is the key to unlocking higher rankings and staying ahead of competitors. By understanding Google’s Knowledge Graph and entity relationships, you can strategically optimize content for increased topical authority and relevance beyond keyword-centric pages.  Entity-based competitor analysis isn’t about mimicking existing content. It’s about identifying strategic gaps where you can establish topical … Read more

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