SEO News You Can Use: Search Generative Experience Adds More Features for Easier Learning |

SEO News You Can Use: Search Generative Experience Adds More Features for Easier Learning |

Google’s artificial intelligence or AI-powered search engine is getting more upgrades three months after its first beta release. This new update includes three features perfect for students, learners or anyone researching a new topic or learning a new skill. According to Google in their Keyword Blog, these new AI capabilities will “help you better learn … Read more

SEO News You Can Use: Introducing GPTBot, OpenAI’s Web Crawler |

SEO News You Can Use: Introducing GPTBot, OpenAI’s Web Crawler |

If there’s one thing most ChatGPT users want, it would be up-to-**** and more accurate artificial intelligence or AI content. Well, OpenAI has been hard at work to make this happen. Just recently, the tech giant released documentation about its own web crawler. Called GPTBot, OpenAI plans to use this crawler to help “AI ****** … Read more

Automation in SEO: Streamlining Tasks and Boosting Efficiency |

Automation in SEO: Streamlining Tasks and Boosting Efficiency |

As any expert will tell you, search engine optimization (SEO) is complex and time-consuming. But what if there was a way to make the entire process simpler and more efficient? That’s where automation comes in. Automation has been around for years, but its use in SEO is relatively new. It can help streamline tasks such … Read more

White-Label Marketing Services: Expect Continued Growth in 2023 |

White-Label Marketing Services: Expect Continued Growth in 2023 |

The White label marketing industry continues to grow. According to Statista, the likelihood that businesses will outsource their creative needs is 47%. White-label marketing is expected to continue its growth and play a significant role in the digital marketing industry in 2023, including marketing services like search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), web development, content … Read more

SEO News You Can Use: Google Bans AI-Generated Reviews, Says They Are Spam |

SEO News You Can Use: Google Bans AI-Generated Reviews, Says They Are Spam |

Google is now clamping down on its stance against artificial intelligence or AI-generated content. In their latest Google Merchant Center announcement, they said they’ll be updating their Product Ratings policies by August 28, 2023. This update includes a new section called “Automated Content.” Here’s what the new section says: “Automated Content: We don’t allow reviews … Read more

What Are Featured Snippets? Conquering ‘Position 0’ |

What Are Featured Snippets? Conquering ‘Position 0’ |

Ranking number one in Google’s search results is the epitome of search engine optimization (SEO) success. Right? Except this isn’t the case anymore. The power of the much-coveted No. 1 spot on Google’s search results is fast being diluted by Google’s featured snippets. Since their introduction in 2014, featured snippets have changed SEO and content … Read more

SEO News You Can Use: Keyword Research Itself Won’t Improve SEO – Google Expert |

SEO News You Can Use: Keyword Research Itself Won’t Improve SEO – Google Expert |

Search engine optimization (SEO) pros, here’s a good tip for you: Keyword research alone won’t help you rank better. This is Google Search Advocate John Mueller’s advice in a tweet addressed to him. The tweet asked: “Hi @JohnMu Does keyword research help SEO?” In a curt response, Mueller said, “No.” However, he further elaborated that … Read more

The New SEO Landscape: 15 Key Ways To Stay Ahead in the Digital Space |

The New SEO Landscape: 15 Key Ways To Stay Ahead in the Digital Space |

Search engines and platform algorithms are constantly in flux. In this ever-changing digital landscape, it’s a matter of “get ahead” or “get lost” for marketers and small business owners. No matter how good your product or service is, if no one can find it, then how can you scale? Algorithms change constantly, sometimes through little … Read more

How To Incorporate AI Into Your Business AI and Your Brain: A Dream Team for Ideation |

How To Incorporate AI Into Your Business AI and Your Brain: A Dream Team for Ideation |

Business ideation has always relied on brainstorming sessions. We put smart people in a room and hope something sticks. But this old process can be time-consuming, subjective and limited by memory capacity, attention spans and our incapacity to analyze vast amounts of data. And while ideation can be about big enterprise initiatives, it’s also about … Read more

SEO News You Can Use: Google Updates Its Misrepresentation Policy With Four Brand Criteria |

SEO News You Can Use: Google Updates Its Misrepresentation Policy With Four Brand Criteria |

Merchants and retail brands gain more insight on how to make their business more visible on Google Search. In a recent post from Google Merchant Center, the search giant outlines four primary factors to increase your trust and safety, protecting your business and customers from potential misrepresentation issues. Here are the four factors to keep … Read more

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